F.P. Journe Pre-Owned Prices: Skyrocketing Or Stabilizing?

THM Desk
10 Sept 2024 |
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F.P. Journe's rise to prominence isn't merely a tale of marketing success; it's rooted in horological innovation and exceptional craftsmanship. The brand Maison has consistently pushed boundaries with creations like the Chronomètre à Résonance and the Tourbillon Souverain. These timepieces aren't just watches; they're mechanical art pieces that have captured the imagination of collectors worldwide. Prior to 2019, F.P. Journe watches commanded respect in the secondary market, but their premiums were modest compared to what was to come. The Chronomètre à Résonance, for instance, was typically traded at prices above retail, but not astronomically so. However, 2019 marked the beginning of a dramatic shift.


F.P. Journe's journey in the watchmaking world is marked by distinct phases of growth and innovation. In its early years (1999-2010), the Maison focused on haute horlogerie complications, introducing signature complications like the Tourbillon Souverain and Chronomètre à Résonance. This period also saw the establishment of an in-house dial manufacture and the groundbreaking introduction of all-aluminium movements. The middle period (2011-2017) witnessed the launch of new models like the Quantième Perpétuel and the Vagabondage series, alongside a gradual increase in brand recognition among collectors. The most recent phase, from 2018 to the present, has been transformative. It began with Chanel acquiring a 20% stake in the company in 2018, a move that wasn't widely publicised at the time but has since proven significant. This period also saw the launch of the LineSport Automatique and, most notably, a dramatic surge in secondary market prices from 2019 to 2021.

F.P Journe tourbillon movement

The scarcity of F.P. Journe timepieces plays a crucial role in their market dynamics. With an estimated annual production of around 900 watches, F.P. Journe's output is a fraction of that of most mainstream luxury brands. This limited availability, combined with growing demand, has been a key driver of price appreciation. Pre-2018, secondary market prices typically ranged from 1.2 to 2 times retail, with limited editions commanding higher premiums but rarely exceeding 3 times retail. The period from 2019 to 2021 saw an unprecedented surge, with some models reportedly reaching 5 to 7 times retail prices. The Chronomètre à Résonance and Tourbillon Souverain were particularly affected, with some examples of the latter reportedly changing hands for over $1 million in private sales. Post-2021, while prices have softened from their peaks, they remain significantly higher than pre-2019 levels, especially for limited editions and rare models.

Tourbillon Souverain with hand-engraved Régence Circulaire dial

Several factors have influenced these market dynamics. F.P. Journe's reputation for exceptional craftsmanship and innovation, exemplified by the use of 18k rose gold for movements and the development of electromechanical calibers, has been fundamental. The watchmakers appeal has been amplified by changing collector demographics, with an increase in high-net-worth individuals globally and growing interest in independent watchmaking among younger collectors. Social media too has played a pivotal  role in enhancing brand visibility. Market speculation, particularly evident during the 2019-2021 period, also contributed to price inflation, with increased presence on auction platforms and interest from specialized watch investment funds. The Chanel partnership association, while initially having minimal impact on market prices, may have contributed to increased brand visibility post-2018. It has implications for F.P. Journe's financial stability and production capabilities but has also sparked debate among collectors about long-term brand independence. This partnership reflects a broader trend of luxury conglomerates investing in independent watchmakers, potentially reshaping the industry landscape.

Tourbillon Souverain CALIBRE 1498

In comparison to established brands, F.P. Journe's price trends have been more volatile. While Patek Philippe's Nautilus saw similar appreciation, the brand's overall pricing has been more stable. Audemars Piguet's Royal Oak experienced a comparable surge but with a quicker market correction. Among independent watchmakers, F.P. Journe's trajectory is notable but not unique. Philippe Dufour, with even more limited production, has seen prices reach higher multiples of retail Philippe Dufour, whose production is even more limited, has witnessed prices soaring to several times the original retail value.. Roger Smith has experienced steady appreciation but with less volatility, while MB&F has seen a similar surge in interest and prices, particularly for legacy models.

The 2019-2021 Surge
Between 2019 and 2021, the market for F.P. Journe timepieces experienced what can only be described as an explosive growth. While precise figures can be challenging to verify, industry observers and auction results indicate that prices for key models multiplied several times over. The Chronomètre à Résonance, one of Journe's signature pieces, saw its market value increase dramatically. Similarly, the Tourbillon Souverain and pieces from the Vagabondage series experienced substantial appreciation. Limited edition models, always coveted, reached unprecedented price levels.This surge wasn't unique to F.P. Journe. The broader luxury watch market, particularly for high-end independent brands, saw significant appreciation during this period. However, the scale of F.P. Journe's price increase stood out even in this context. 

Chronomètre à Résonance

As with many rapid price increases, a correction followed. Since the peak of 2021, prices for F.P. Journe watches have softened. However, it's crucial to note that current market prices remain significantly higher than pre-2019 levels. This suggests that while there may have been some speculative excess, the overall revaluation of the brand has stuck to a considerable degree.

Bubble or Market Recalibration?
The F.P. Journe pricing phenomenon exhibits characteristics of both a speculative bubble and a fundamental market reassessment:

Bubble Indicators:
Rapid price appreciation 2019-2021
Evidence of speculative buying
Subsequent price correction

Market Recalibration Indicators:
Sustained prices well above pre-2019 levels
Continued strong demand and limited supply
Ongoing innovation and quality maintaining brand value

The current market suggests a recalibration of F.P. Journe's position in the luxury watch hierarchy rather than a simple bubble. While peak prices were likely unsustainable, the brand has established a new baseline valuation reflective of its craftsmanship, innovation, and exclusivity. The long-term sustainability of this position will depend on F.P. Journe's ability to maintain its reputation for excellence, navigate its partnership with Chanel, and continue to innovate in a competitive haute horlogerie landscape. 

Vagabondage 01/69V

Looking to the future, several factors will shape F.P. Journe's market position. There's potential for a slight increase in production numbers, though the brand is likely to continue its controlled distribution model. Market dynamics are expected to stabilize, with prices settling above pre-2019 levels but below the 2021 peaks. Limited editions and discontinued models are likely to maintain a significant premium. The brand's evolution may include the introduction of new complications or materials, as F.P. Journe seeks to balance growth with maintaining its exclusive appeal.