Overall summary
- Luxury auctions and private sales (Jewels, Watches, Handbags and Wine) totalled US$980 million, up 153% from 2020.
- Luxury sales at auction totalled US$736.1 million, marking a 73% increase over 2020.
- Stand-out year for Luxury Private Sales in the region of US$240 million, doubling private sales made in 2019.
- Luxury is an essential pillar of Christie’s global business and introduced 32% of new clients to the firm in 2021.
- Online sales comprised 21% of total auctions in 2021, up from 5% in 2019.
- The average lot value for Luxury sales online has more than tripled in 2021 (£14,500) vs 2019 (£4,500).
- Global participation in Christie’s Luxury auctions witnessed bidders and buyers from 82 countries.
- Millennial clients comprised 29% of collectors in Christie’s Luxury categories.